Prosys OPC UA Forge 1.3.0-245 Download
Release date: 2024-12-19
Here you will find the official distribution of the Prosys OPC UA Forge application.
License Terms
Prosys OPC UA Forge is covered by the license terms in Prosys_OPC_UA_Forge_License.pdf.
By downloading the Prosys OPC UA Forge, you accept the license terms.
To receive evaluation or commercial license key, please contact sales@prosysopc.com.
System Requirements
The application is a self-contained package that contains a private JRE for running the application, so installing Java is not required.
The Docker version of the application requires that you have a Docker Engine installed.
By downloading the Prosys OPC UA Forge, you accept the license terms.
prosys-opc-ua-forge-windows-x64-1.3.0-245.exe (Windows 10 or later, 64-bit) (1) prosys-opc-ua-forge-linux-x64-1.3.0-245.sh (Linux, x86-64, 64-bit) (2) prosys-opc-ua-forge-linux-aarch64-1.3.0-245.sh (Linux, ARM/Aarch64, 64-bit) prosys-opc-ua-forge-1.3.0-245-docker-amd64.zip (Docker Image, AMD64, 64-bit) prosys-opc-ua-forge-1.3.0-245-docker-arm64v8.zip (Docker Image, ARM64/v8, 64-bit)
1 | Should work also with Windows 7 and 8, but they are not officially supported nor tested. |
2 | Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, but the application should run on equivalent Linux distros. |
Windows Installation
On Windows, run the installer executable prosys-opc-ua-forge-windows-x64-1.3.0-245.exe
and follow the instructions. By default, the application is installed to the folder Program Files/ProsysOPC/Prosys OPC UA Forge.
Linux Installation
On Linux, first open the terminal and navigate to the directory of the downloaded .sh file.
Then run the installation with the command
sudo sh prosys-opc-ua-forge-linux-x64-1.3.0-245.sh
This will open the installer where you can follow the steps to complete the installation. By default, the application is installed to the folder opt/prosys-opc-ua-forge.
To run the installation in console mode, you can use the command
sudo sh prosys-opc-ua-forge-linux-x64-1.3.0-245.sh -c
Docker Installation
If you do not have a Docker Engine installed, you will need to install one first. Please, follow the official Docker installation instructions.
If you are running the Docker on Windows, you need to use Linux containers. |
Download the AMD64 or ARM64/v8 Docker image ZIP package, which includes the Docker image for Forge and scripts for starting the Docker application.
Extract the ZIP file to a location of your choice. In the next steps (Running the Docker Application) the path to this location will be referred to as <installation_folder>
Be aware that <installation_folder>
will be used as a mounting point to the Docker container. The Prosys OPC UA Forge that runs inside the container will find its configuration files, respectively, under the folder <installation_folder>/data
Running the Docker Application
You can run the Docker Application after you have performed the Docker Installation.
You can use the start-up scripts that are available under the <installation_folder>/bin
. The scripts can perform five different actions:
: Start the Forge in the Docker container. Loads the image first, if it is not loaded yet. -
: Stop and remove the Docker container. -
: Load the Docker image. -
: Unload the Docker image. Stops the container first. -
: Current status of the Docker image, Docker container and Forge.
Use forge-docker.ps1 <parameter>
or forge-docker.sh <parameter>
to perform the action in the Docker Application in Windows or Unix-based systems, respectively.
The Docker requires Administrator privileges in Linux, so you have to run the commands with |
Running the Docker Application manually
To load the Docker image
sudo docker load -i <installation_folder>/docker-image/prosys-opc-ua-forge-1.3.0-245-image.tar
And then you can run the Docker image as a container:
On Unix-based systems use
sudo docker run --detach -u root -v $(pwd)/data:/data --net=host --hostname $HOSTNAME --name Forge -e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -Dapp.home=/data/" prosys-opc-ua-forge:1.3.0-245
On Windows use
docker run --detach -u root -v "$(pwd)/data:/data" --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -p 8443:8443 -p 8080:8080 -p 56560:56560 --hostname %COMPUTERNAME% --name Forge -e "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=--add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -Dapp.home==/data/" prosys-opc-ua-forge:${project.version}
This maps the <installation_folder>/data
into /data
folder inside the container, and also maps the access to the configuration files, respectively.
Windows Uninstallation
On Windows the application can be uninstalled through the Control Panel or the Apps & features menu, or optionally with the uninstaller that is located in the installation folder.
Linux Uninstallation
On Linux, open the terminal and navigate to the installation folder (default folder is opt/prosys-opc-ua-forge) and use the command sudo ./uninstall
Docker Uninstallation
On Linux distributions, please follow the official Docker Uninstallation instructions (CentOS, Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu).
On Windows the Docker Desktop can be uninstalled through the Control Panel.
On Mac the Docker Desktop can be uninstalled from the Docker menu by selecting Troubleshoot and then Uninstall.
User Manual
The User Manual for the application is installed into <install_location>/doc. You can also read it here: Prosys_OPC_UA_Forge_UserManual.pdf.
For additional queries and all feedback, please contact forge-support@prosysopc.com