Version 1.3.0
Build: 1.3.0-245
Release date: 19.12.2024
This is a major release of Prosys OPC UA Forge. This version adds a few new features, improves many existing features and fixes several bugs.
New Features
Added extensive REST API for configuring Forge
Added Event Logger for logging OPC UA Events
Added EtherNet/IP driver
Added new Collecting Mode: History
Data collection via periodic Historical Access reads
Added new Collecting Mode: PollingAndSubscription
Data collection at a set interval and on change
Added value persistence for unmapped nodes in Forge
Added Docker Image for Aarch64
Added support for Oracle databases
Added MQTT Subscriber support for mapping to external nodes
Added MQTT Subscriber support for Unix timestamps
Added MQTT Publisher trigger conditions
Added MQTT Publisher support for republishing previous messages
Added MQTT Publisher support for Structure mapping
Added MQTT Publisher support for publishing historical data arrays
Added Modbus Device option for connection sharing
Added OPC UA Connection support for namespace preconfiguration
Added OPC UA Connection mode options: Enabled, Disabled, Simulated
Improved Transformation Dictionary array handling
Improved NodeSet loading and validation
And many general feature and performance improvements.
Fixed MQTT Subscriber failing to map Structure arrays
Fixed data collectors not requesting ServerTimestamp
Fixed issue with empty S7COMM device tag lists
Fixed Data Logger not respecting Delta filter
Fixed removal of child nodes when parents are removed
Fixed Event field mapping from underlying servers
Fixed reading history from History module
Fixed subscribing to Structure field nodes
Fixed scaling not working with differing value types
Fixed AccessLevel propagating through Value mappings
And many other minor issues under the hood.
Version 1.2.0
Build: 1.2.0-172
Release date: 10.06.2024
This is a major release of Prosys OPC UA Forge. This version adds a few new features, improves many existing features and fixes several bugs.
New Features
Added MQTT UNS Publisher
Added MQTT Single Node Publisher
Added Expression Mappings for nodes
Added Backup/Restore functionality
Added several export APIs to match imports
Added overlay for informing when Forge is offline, e.g. during restarts
Added MQTT import buttons to the UI
Added navigation links to the enabled modules list in the dashboard
Added support for partial messages in MQTT Composite Publisher
Improved data type selection when adding new nodes
Improved OPC UA Connections view to react to state changes
Exposed license management to the UI
Log archives are now in ZIP format for better support
And many general performance improvements.
Fixed issue with subscriptions for modules not always working after Forge restarts
Fixed issue with validation of InfluxDB Logging Profiles
Fixed issue when refreshing the Address Space when nodes were removed
Fixed issue with MQTT Subscriptions not activating after connection breaks
Fixed issue with Modbus subscriptions breaking when removing monitored items with multiple clients
Fixed issue with MQTT Subscription failing to extract simple values from JSON arrays
Fixed issue with MQTT Subscription import mapping the wrong fields
And many other minor issues under the hood.
Version 1.1.4
Build: 1.1.4-142
Release date: 13.05.2024
This is a minor release of Prosys OPC UA Forge. This version adds a few new features, improves many existing features and fixes several bugs.
New Features
Added Transformation Dictionaries
Added ADS support
Added S7COMM support
Added redundant namespaces support
Added support for a new license format
CSV Logger now supports array values
Added UI for updating NodeSets
Improved MQTT Subscriber mappings to Enums and DateTime nodes
Added support for MQTT websocket connections
And many general performance improvements.
Fixed issues with Forge uninstaller when updating installation
Fixed authentication issues after restarting Forge via UI
Fixed an issue that caused specific indexes to change in the NamespaceTable
Fixed an issue that caused invalid sampling intervals in Modbus module
And many other minor issues under the hood.
Version 1.1.2
Build: 1.1.2-117
Release date: 05.04.2024
This is a minor release of Prosys OPC UA Forge. This version adds a new import API for Data Logger, improves many existing features and fixes several bugs.
New Features
Added Import API for Data Logger
Event Generator now adds relevant attributes to source nodes
Hostname resolving improved to be more consistent
Data Logger sinks can now be removed if Logging Profiles not in use
Forge now propagates events from underlying Server (i=2253) nodes
Organized CSV headers for import samples
Implemented missing History services for aggregated servers
Added permission checks to OPC UA REST API
Added connection error display to Data Logger sink view
Added support for path based reverse proxying of Forge UI
Improved displayed errors when operations fail in UI
Data Logger Logging Profile editor now has a button to refresh tables/measurements
Fixed loading bars getting stuck in certain conditions
Fixed UI not allowing to set Static Value mappings
Fixed MQTT Publisher Method triggering
Fixed Anonymous authentication toggling in server settings
Fixed issues with mapping to Modbus nodes
Fixed Address Space view not updating correctly when using feature icons for nodes
Fixed OPC UA Publisher enabling
Fixed lacking field requirements when adding Event Generators
Fixed extra status checks to backend after leaving views
Fixed lacking field requirements when adding Users
Fixed Namespace Prefix Strategy being editable for OPC UA Connections, connection must be recreated to change it
Fixed MQTT connections showing as editable for View Only users
Fixed OPC UA Publisher Writer Groups not updating when changing Data Set Writers
Fixed User Group removal in certain cases
And many other minor issues under the hood.