Prosys OPC UA Java SDK 2.1.0

This is a new minor release of the SDK, which fixes several issues in the implementation. This is also the first version that passes the OPC Foundation Compliance Tests and is Certified for Compliance. In practice, it means that the sample applications that are included with the SDK are being certified. It does not mean that all applications built with the SDK are automatically certified, though. But all the features in the SDK now enable certification and all applications built with the SDK should be certifiable.

There is one major change to the use of libraries: logging of the Java Stack and the SDK is now based on SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java), instead of of LOG4J. Since SLF4J is just a facade to various logging libraries, you can continue using LOG4J as the actual logging library and it is still shipped with the SDK and used by the sample applications. Check the readme.txt and the slf4j home page for details on the usage of SLF4J.

OPC Foundation Java Stack changes

Changes to both SDK Client and Server

Changes to SDK Client

Changes to SDK Server

Fixed several issues related to instantiation of code generated nodes, especially to condition type nodes - and optional members.

Changes to the Sample applications
