Prosys OPC UA Java SDK 1.0.4
This is a new minor release, including minor changes to the SDK
Client. The SDK Server is still going through heavier changes, and
continues the beta development cycle.
Changes affecting both SDK Client and Server
- New (overload): UaNode.deleteReference(UaNode, ..., ...)
- Fixed: UaNode.deleteReference(NodeId, ..., ...)
- Fixed: UaNodeMap.remove
- New constructor (overload): PkiFileBasedCertificateValidator(String baseDir)
- Changed: UaReference has now both SourceNode & TargetNode (and the
respective Ids) - enables sharing the same object being used and
thus better tracking of the references in both ends
- Changed: UaReference.getIsInverse(...) takes now a node parameter,
which gives the direction from which you are looking at the reference
(since that is no longer implicit)
- New: UaExternalNode (still somewhat experimental, mostly on the
server side)
Changes to SDK Client
- Changed: UaClient(string) and UaClient.setUri() throw URISyntaxException
- Fixed: UaNodeCache.remove
- Changed: Check that the server certificate is provided if using security
- Fixed: Do not use the certificate validator, if the server certificate is not provided and raise an error if other than None security is used (the stack also fixed to not check the certificate with None security)
- Improved: UaClient internal members (most important) to use thread-safe atomic references, etc.
- The removeItem methods in SubscriptionBase & Subscription were all mixed up, and Subscription.removeItem was not called at all, if the incorrect version (any from SubscriptionBase) was used. Also modified the signatures of these methods. Sample of removing also available in SampleConsoleClient.
- New: AddressSpace.readReferences
- New: AddressSpace.readComponents
- New: UaNode.getComponent
- New: UaNode.getMethod
- SampleConsoleClient requests the URI, if you run it without parameters
Changes to SDK Server
There are quite heavy changes in several aspects of the server
SDK. The common interface and the SampleConsoleServer have only gone
through minor changes, though. Most of the changes are related to
making the event subscriptions work
- Changed: NodeManagerRoot folder properties are of type UaObject (was
- New (overload): NodeManagerUaNode.addReference(NodeId,
ExpandedNodeId, ...)
- New: UaConditionType.triggerEvent works now - the type changed remarkably
- New: Handles MonitoredEventItems
- New: PlainMethod
- New: CallbackVariable & CallbackProperty
- New: ReflectiveVariable & ReflectiveProperty
- Changed: EventManager, EventManagerUaNode, EventManagerListener -
major changes
- Changed: MethodManager, MethodManagerUaNode, major changes
- Changed: NodeManagerUaNode, major changes
- New: NodeManagerUaNodeListener
- SampleConsoleServer simulates an alarm and shows how to validate
users and check user rights with NodeManagerUaNodeListener