Prosys OPC UA Modbus Server 1.5.0-45 Download
Release date: 2024-11-28
Here you will find the official distribution of the Prosys OPC UA Modbus Server application.
License Terms
Prosys OPC UA Modbus Server is covered by the license terms in Prosys_OPC_UA_Modbus_Server_License.pdf.
By downloading the Prosys OPC UA Modbus Server, you accept the license terms.
Application License
Prosys OPC UA Modbus Server is a commercial application and requires a license to be purchased for continuous operation. It may be evaluated for 60 days to validate the feasibility for the installation in question. The application will run 120 minutes in Demonstration Mode, after which it will be stopped. The commercial license is required to let the application run intermittently.
You can order a license at https://www.prosysopc.com/products/opc-ua-modbus-server/purchase/.
Please, refer to the User Manual for more details.
Choosing the Installation
prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-windows-x64-1.5.0-45.exe (64-bit, Windows 7 or later)
prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-linux-1.5.0-45.sh (64-bit, Linux)
prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-1.5.0-45.zip (portable, requires Java 11)
prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-1.5.0-45-docker.zip (Docker Image)
You have three alternative ways to install the application:
Standard Installation from an installation package (available for Windows and Linux). The installation package includes a private Java Runtime Environment (JRE), which is installed for this application only. This is the easiest option as it includes everything you need to run the application. On the other hand, it requires administrator privileges.
A possible previous installation of the application of below versions 1.4.0 must be uninstalled manually first. -
Portable Installation, which is in practice a ZIP package that you can extract to any location in your computer. The Portable Installation can be used in any operating system that has Java Runtime Environment (JRE) already available. This option provides the most flexibility, but requires that you pre-install a suitable JRE that will then be shared among other Java applications as well. Also you will have to setup it yourself for unattended operation. On the other hand, you can install and run the application without any administrator privileges.
Docker Installation, allows you to run the Prosys OPC UA Modbus Server in a Docker container. All you need is a Docker Engine, which is available almost on every platform.
Standard Windows Installation
For Windows installations, you can use the following Windows Setup application.
Supported Windows operating system versions are:
Windows 7 or newer
To install, simply run the installation application and follow the instructions on screen. By default, the application is installed with administrator privileges under the “Program Files” directory. The Installer will create folders ProsysOPC and ModbusServer under the installation directory. It also creates a shortcut entry to the Windows Start menu to run the application in Configuration Mode.
The installer also installs the application as a Windows service, making it available in unattended operation. The service is started automatically, if you accept that when closing the application in Configuration Mode.
Running the Standard Windows Application
On Windows, you can start the application in Configuration Mode from the Windows Start menu.
When you close the application in Configuration Mode, it will ask you if you wish to start it in the Server Mode automatically. If you answer yes, the respective Service application will be started and it will also start automatically at system start up. Alternatively, you can use the Service Manager of your operating system to start and stop the application in Server Mode.
Standard Linux Installation
The Standard Linux Installation is available as an .sh script that starts the installer.
prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-linux-1.5.0-45.sh (64-bit, Linux).
The Linux installation is mainly tested on the latest LTS of Ubuntu, that as of writing this is 20.04. Other distributions may work.
To install first open the terminal and navigate to the directory of the downloaded .sh file. Then add a file permission to make the installation shell script executable with the command
sudo chmod u=x prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-linux-1.5.0-45.sh
Then run the installation shell script with the command
sudo ./prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-linux-1.5.0-45.sh
This will open the installer where you can follow the steps to complete the installation. By default, the application is installed in the folder opt/prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server. The installer works also if there is no GUI, but note that in that case you cannot use the configuration UI mode of the application and must make the configuration on another machine.
Running the Standard Linux Application
On Linux, you can start the application in Configuration Mode from the Start menu of your Window Manager. Alternatively, you can start it from the command line as:
sudo /opt/prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server/prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server --config
Note that in the Standard Installation the application requires Administrator privileges, so you have to run it with 'sudo'. The command line argument '--config' is required to start the application in the Configuration Mode.
When you close the application in Configuration Mode, it will ask you if you wish to start it in the Server Mode automatically. If you answer yes, the respective Service application will be started and it will also start automatically at system start up. Alternatively, you can run the application without the '--config' argument or (preferably) use the Service Manager of your operating system to start and stop the application in Server Mode.
Portable Installation
If the standard installation options described above are not suitable for your environment, you can install the application as a Portable Installation, which is available as a ZIP package. You can extract the package into any folder of your choice and run the application from there.
The pre-requisite is that you have a Java 11 Runtime already installed into the operating system. Instructions to do are outside the scope of this text, but at least one place for obtaining Java is https://adoptopenjdk.net/.
The Portable Installation enables installation with standard user privileges, and you can extract it also in a user directory.
prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-1.5.0-45.zip (requires Java 11)
Running the Portable Application
If you installed the application from the Portable Installation, you can use the start-up scripts that are available in the bin
folder under the installation folder.
to start the application in Configuration Mode in Windows or Unix-based systems, respectively. -
to start the application in Server Mode in Windows or Unix-based systems, respectively.
The Configuration Mode requires an operating system and environment where JavaFX can operate. The portable application bundles the JavaFX runtime, thus you do not need to provide it, it just has to work in your environment. These are typical Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems that can display normal graphical applications.
If JavaFX doesn’t work in your environment, (as is the case for Oracle Java SE Embedded, for example), you can only run the application in Server Mode. See the User Manual about the configuration options for this kind of headless installation.
You can run the Portable Application without any administrator privileges also in the Server Mode.
If you wish to make the application to start automatically in unattended mode, you must configure it in the system start up. You can do this, for example in Linux Systems, by adding <installation_folder>/bin/modbus-server.sh
into /etc/rc.local
(or /etc/rc.d/rc.local
depending on your Linux distribution).
Docker Installation
If you don’t have a Docker Engine installed, you need to do that first. Please, follow the official Docker Installation instructions.
If you are running the Docker on Windows, you need to use Linux containers. |
Next you need to download the ZIP package, which includes the Docker image and the configuration files for the Modbus Server.
prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-1.5.0-45-docker.zip (no requirements)
Extract the ZIP file to a location of your choice. In the next steps (Running the Docker Application) the path to this location will be referred to as <installation_folder>
Be aware that <installation_folder>
will be used as a mounting point to the Docker container. The Prosys OPC UA Modbus Server that runs inside the container will find its configuration files, respectively, under the folder <installation_folder>/conf
See more details in the User Manual.
Running the Docker Application
You can run the Docker Application after you have performed the Docker Installation.
The Docker Application can only be run in Server Mode, which means you need to setup the configuration with the Standard or Portable Installation (in Configuration Mode). The easiest is to extract the Portable Installation to the same folder as the Docker Installation and run bin/modbusserver-config.bat
or bin/modbusserver-config.sh
. Then you can use the same configuration in both of them directly. Otherwise you will have to copy the configuration between the different installations.
You can use the start-up script that is available under the <installation_folder>/bin
. The script can perform five different actions:
: Start the Modbus Server in the Docker container. Loads the image first, if it is not loaded yet. -
: Stop and remove the Docker container. -
: Load the Docker image. -
: Unload the Docker image. Stops the container first. -
: Current status of the Docker image, Docker container and OPC UA server.
Use modbusserver-docker.ps1 <parameter>
or modbusserver-docker.sh <parameter>
to perform the action in the Docker Application in Windows or Unix-based systems, respectively.
The Docker requires Administrator privileges in Linux, so you have to run the commands with |
Running the Docker Application manually
To load the Docker image
sudo docker load -i <installation_folder>/docker-image/prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server-1.5.0-45-image.tar
And then you can run the Docker image as a container:
On Unix-based systems use
sudo docker run --publish 53510:53510 --mount type=volume,dst=/data/,volume-driver=local,volume-opt=type=none,volume-opt=o=bind,volume-opt=device=<installation_folder> -e "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dapp.home=/data/ -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/data/conf/log4j2.xml -Dloggingoutputpath=/data/log/" -h $HOSTNAME --name modbus-server prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server:1.5.0-45
On Windows use
docker run --publish 53510:53510 --mount type=volume,dst=/data/,volume-driver=local,volume-opt=type=none,volume-opt=o=bind,volume-opt=device=<installation_folder> -e "JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dapp.home=/data/ -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/data/conf/log4j2.xml -Dloggingoutputpath=/data/log/" -h %COMPUTERNAME% --name modbus-server prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server:1.5.0-45
This maps the <installation_folder>
into /data
folder inside the container, and also maps the access to the configuration files, respectively.
Windows Uninstallation
On Windows the application can be uninstalled through the Control Panel or the Apps & features menu, or optionally with the uninstaller that is located in the installation folder.
The uninstallation will not remove the settings and log files that were created.
Linux Uninstallation
On Linux, open the terminal and navigate to the installation folder (default folder is opt/prosys-opc-ua-modbus-server) and use the command sudo ./uninstall
The uninstallation will not remove the settings and log files that were created. See Section 8.1 for details about file locations.
Portable Uninstallation
If you installed the Portable version of the application from the ZIP or TGZ package, you can simply remove the installation directory with all sub-directories.
All the settings and log files are stored inside the installation directory, so they will be removed as well in this case.
Docker Uninstallation
On Linux distributions, please follow the official Docker Uninstallation instructions (CentOS, Debian, Fedora and Ubuntu).
On Windows the Docker Desktop can be uninstalled through the Control Panel.
On Mac the Docker Desktop can be uninstalled from the Docker menu by selecting Troubleshoot and then Uninstall.
User Manual
The User Manual for the application is installed into <install_location>/app/doc. You can open it from the Help menu or you can read it here: Prosys_OPC_UA_Modbus_Server_UserManual.pdf.
For additional queries and all feedback, please contact modbus-server-support@prosysopc.com.